
Visitors tax

Visitors tax in Spiez

The tourist tax for guests staying overnight in Spiez. The communal visitors’ tax and the cantonal accommodation taxes are due.

The visitors’ tax is imposed on individuals per stay who don’t have a fiscal residence in the community of Spiez. Every host who rents a room, apartment or their house to visitors for money, is obliged to demand a visitors’ tax from the visitor. The revenue of the visitors’ tax is used to finance tourist establishments, guest information and events of interests to visitors.

The cantonal accommodation tax of CHF 1.00 per night is paid by the host. This frank is a marketing contribution and is used for tourist marketing development.

Spiez Marketing AG is responsible for the collection of the tax.

Visitors’ tax at a glance

  • Visitor’s tax: CHF 3.50 per person

  • Children: free of charge up to 16 years

PanoramaCard Thunersee

The visitors’ card in the region of Lake Thun is called PanoramaCard. Visitors staying overnight in the region of Lake Thun profit from attractive reductions on free-time- and cultural programmes. Free travel on the STI-bus network and in the Postauto Spiez, 50% off rides with the Fun Train and rebates on the three mountains Stockhorn, Niederhorn and Niesen. As well as 20% discount on the Lake Thun canoeing trail, Open Standard mini-golf in the Spiez Bay and lots of other discounts. Current information about your guest card can be found under www.panoramacard.ch

*The PanoramaCard is only distributed by partners of the Thun-Thunersee Tourismus.



So you can contact us

Spiez Marketing AG
Bahnhofstrasse 10d
3700 Spiez
+41 33 655 90 00