
Chamber-music concerts

November 2024 – May 2025

Atmospheric chamber-music concerts

High-class concert experiences in Hondrich.

The chamber-music concerts Hondrich enrich the cultural life of the community of Spiez since 1996. From January to May spectators are delighted by the around five concerts in the big room of the Inforama Hondrich. The organisers emphasize on a diversified programme with young ensembles from Switzerland. The concerts are often commentated, last for about one hour and are also suitable for families. After the concert there is an opportunity to have a conversation with the performers during the apéritif.


The chamber-music concerts at a glance

  • Date: various

  • Time: Sundays at 17:00h

  • Place: Inforama Hondrich

  • Price: CHF 30, Children CHF 10


Verein Kammermusikkonzerte