
Spiezer specialties

Spiezer specialties

Local delicacies and products

Spiez also has its’ own products and delicacies to offer. Most of the businesses which have Spiezer specialties to offer, are located in the town centre. A good glass of Spiezer wine can also be enjoyed in one of the numerous restaurants on the shore of the lake or in the town. In short: Spiezer delicacies sweeten every stay in Spiez.



  • The local Spiezer wine – white, rosé and red

  • Spiezer white wine soup in the Hotel Eden

  • Fresh whitefish from Lake Thun

  • Spiezer honey from the Lehnherr beekeeping

  • Spiezer castle cherry cake


Local premium products «SpieZiell»

«SpieZiell» is a lable to award products and specialities which are produced, manufactured or provided in the region of Spiez. “SpieZiell” distinguishes innovative and sustainable products, which create value to Spiez and the region. Farm products, cuisine and handicrafts are awarded.


Spiezer wine

Wine and liquors from Spiez

A truly delicious joy is the town’s own Spiezer wine. Since over 1000 years grape vines flourish in Spiez. And this is one of the highest vineyards north of the Alps. From one glass of «Spiezer» you can read the pre-alpine landscape. There are qualitive good wines: authentic, irreplaceable and genuine! The Spiezer wine has repeatedly received awards.


An overview of all Spiezer specialties

Find your Spiezer specialty here