
Ludotrail - Playing through Spiez

The game course through the village

  • Spiez

From post to post you can discover Spiez in a playful way. It is unique because there is a total of 30 different game posts which are individually designed and thematically match the location.
Save the school of fish from the pike, float the sail boats to the finish line, go on a dice-trip, be creative with the word games, skillfully lead water through the bottle-flip game, win the Niesen-tour, guess the correct Spiezer animal or test your memory by re-telling the Thuner fish story.
There are 30 posts to choose from. At tables, on the ground, on walls, in the park, at the lake, in front of buildings, passing the tourist attractions, shops, cafés, hotels and restaurants. You can play any number of games you would like and in any order.

Here’s how it works

Borrow a game backpack and off you go! With a ticket for CHF 25 you can borrow a game backpack from the BLS train station counter. For a group/family (4 people) 1 game backpack is necessary. There is an item plan, game material box and a game rules book. In the game box there are small materials which are needed for playing along the way. The box also contains a key. This key can be used to unlock the chests with large material at the posts. The games are explained in the games rules book. After playing, the game backpack is returned to the issuing office.
One day is not enough to play all the games. The number of posts is intended as a selection from which the group/family selects the games which appeal to them the most. It is worth visiting Spiez again in order to play other games.

Here you can book your ticket
Here you will find further information and trails in other places.
Here you will find the video

Take note, so that your trip will be perfect

  • Plan enough time. Some games take more than 20 minutes
  • You can also get to the posts by taking the Fun Train
  • Tip: Enjoy the Spiezer shops and bistros on the way


Spiez Marketing AG

Bahnhofstrasse 10d

3700 Spiez

Telephone.: +41 33 655 90 00



General information

Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday from 8.30 am

Monday to Friday: by 18:30 at the latest
Saturday and Sunday: by 18:00 at the latest

Price Information

CHF 25.00

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