The forested hills of Bürg, located south-east of Spiez, was obviously once a hill-top settlement. The energy spot radiates a special magic.
Spiez Bay is framed by the Bürg in the north-west of Spiezberg and in the south-east. The two summits forming Bürg is said to be a hill of Mother-Earth whose power demonstrates itself in full strength. By the Bürg visitors enter a small isolated world, which on one hand is characterised from a high bio energy, on the other hand is characterized by a strong mystical vibration field. The peak of the Bürg bears traces of a prehistoric fortress, hence its name.
From all of the sides some hiking paths lead to and around the Bürg hill.
Spiez Marketing AG
Bahnhofstrasse 10d
3700 Spiez
Telephone.: +41 33 655 90 00
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