
Spiez Tourismus

Association Spiez Tourismus

For flourishing tourism

The Association Spiez Tourismus aims to cooperate with the authorities and other organisations which are interested in tourism in and outside of the region, for the promotion of tourism in the community of Spiez. The association is one of the three shareholders of Spiez Marketing AG. Its operational activities are delegated to SMAG.

Purpose of the association:

  • Promotion of tourist-friendly community politics

  • Participation of politics in the community

  • Negotiation and controlling performance agreements with Spiez Marketing AG

  • Monitoring the usage of visitors’ tax

  • Membership administration and -candidature


Spiez Tourismus
Marlis Toneatti
Bahnhofstrasse 10d
3700 Spiez
+41 33 655 90 00