
Einigen «the way»

Discover Einigen on the theme trail

  • Einigen

«Einigen der Weg» guides you on a pleasant walk to the most important sights of Einigen.

Leisurely discover the history of the small farming community of Einigen on a walk: On the theme trail at various places you will discover on a total of 30 information points everything about the history and attractions of the place. Learn about the dynamic history of the steamboat Blümlisalp in the Undere Chandergrien or discover more about the central role the St. Michael church as «mother church» of the twelve over 1000-year old churches on Lake Thun. The aims of the improvement measures in the natural reserve Gwattlischenmoos, the fascination of golf on the premises of the former Kander Kies und Sand AG or the archaeological finds from the Bronze Age on the Holleeweg form other topical highlights of the circuit trail. The theme trail starts and finishes at the newly renovated Schiffländte.
The whole theme trail is about 9.5 kilometers long and takes around two hours to walk.


3646 Einigen


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